And, of course, most everything in The Zen of Drumming takes place behind Bobby's massive 21-piece Peavey drum kit. Here are a few behind-the-scenes shots of "the tubs":

  In the video, Bobby even gives a guided tour of the kit and explains all about his...  




...and even his 9-pedal set-up and all the rest of his accessories.

Ladies and gents...welcome to "The Practice Pad Realm" ...or at least that what Bobby calls this special setting in The Zen of Drumming.

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Here we have "The Rockster" breaking many of the vids techniques and groove ideas down for you. He also shows you some of his favorite, accelerated technique-building concepts and exercises, including his use of (Diggit) Stickweights, as seen both in the middle photo, and again on the right, where Bobby demonstrates some of his trademark speed/endurance-building "air drumming" exercises.

  A longtime advocate for superior health, Bobby even brings you into the kitchen for a segment. These first two shots have BR walking you through many of his recommended food choices...  
  And that lovely green drink (below) is one of Bobby's "Ultimate Meal" smoothies, which he actually demonstrates how to make!  
  Is the "Rock Man" asleep at the wheel here? Not hardly. This is actually a shot from the video dealing with meditation and how it can be of benefit in getting you in the proper "peak performance" head space.  
  Here are a couple more behind-the-scenes shots for ya...  
  First, it's a "group hug" featuring Bobby's longtime soundman Munch Miller (middle) and "The Wizard," Newly Newell, Bobby's ever-present drum tech.  
  In this one, the boys are joined by Robb Cloepfil (next to Bobby) and Jim Hamilton (on the far left). Cloepfil not only co-produced with Bobby but directed, edited, dealt with the lighting and set design, was a camera operator, and basically oversaw every aspect of the video's production. Meanwhile, Hamilton was Cloepfil's right-hand man at AVP (where the video was shot) and also served as the vid's chief cinematographer.  
  Finally, here are a few more. The top row/middle shot is a frame grab from an on-the-road excerpt featured in the video.  
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  This Zen quote is one of many that strategically appear throughout the video.